What Data Leaders Are Reading This Summer
The words “summer reading” may trigger flashbacks of racing to finish your high school booklist during the last two days of vacation. But reading during summer, especially on...
The words “summer reading” may trigger flashbacks of racing to finish your high school booklist during the last two days of vacation. But reading during summer, especially on...
John Nelson is a Product Engineer at Esri. You may better know him for doing outstanding stuff as a cartographer and a user experience designer. His background is geography,...
Recently, I read a few books about software development that I found in our library here in the Berlin office. One statement in Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering...
Breaking down the results of a question by a check-all-that-apply question A big thanks to Josh Wilson for encouraging me to write about this and an extra big thanks to...
On July 12, Esri Chief Scientist Dawn Wright made history as she dove to the deepest place on Earth, Challenger Deep. Her mission? To use high-resolution sonar to map a part of...
Some may have the idea that creating an amazing data visualization requires the stars to align. But the truth is, as with any other skill, you need practice and real-life...
Working for data teams unavoidably creates horror stories that crystalize themselves in the brains of those who have experienced them. Terrible bosses who don’t understand...
Dr. Dominic Royé 2022-07-20 8 min read gis , R , R:intermediate , visualization It is very common to see relief maps with shadow effects, also known as ‘hillshade’, which...
Which interpolation you choose for your color scale has a massive impact on how the data is perceived, how well your statement is communicated, and how intuitively the reader...
Ah, the memories of being a student and diligently highlighting key phrases and scribbling notes into the page margin of a handout or textbook. Annotating a text with colors and...
Visual data management systems are lacking in all aspects: storage, quality (deduplication, anomaly detection), search, analytics and visualization. As a consequence, companies...
On July 18, 2022 Knight Foundation announced the launch of Knight New Work 2022, an open call for the creation of new works that leverage technology to create art and enhance...