Data Protection: Advanced Solutions and Tech to Boost Data Security in 2023

Data Protection: Advanced Solutions and Tech to Boost Data Security in 2023

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Businesses of all sizes are handling and storing more sensitive data than ever before. In a world where more and more market, consumer, industry, and economic data is becoming increasingly available to companies in all sectors, data protection and efficiency should be the top priority for business leaders as well as data analytics and security teams.

Combined with sensitive internal data, all of these data sources create an invaluable pool of information that businesses can use to bring better products to market, elevate the customer’s experience, and drive brand recognition and trust forward. With more available data comes a demand for more stringent data security measures and processes, however, which is why businesses need to invest heavily in advanced data protection in 2023 and beyond.

Here are some of the best solutions and technologies to help you boost data security.

First and foremost, one of the most advanced solutions any business can invest in is to get the right talent on board. Your data security capabilities will rely not just on the technologies you use or the integrations you invest in, but also on the talented data scientists, analysts, software developers and engineers, and security specialists that will ensure data safety across your organization.

Now that global talent is widely available to businesses that are open to hiring remotely, however, bringing all of these experts into the brand’s fold is easier than ever. Interestingly, the latest software developer rates in 2022 and the rates trends for data scientists and security experts seem to show rapid popularization of the EU job market in terms of talent sourcing vs quality and expected compensation.

This means that businesses from around the world have the opportunity to tap into the rich pool of EU-based experts to acquire and retain the top talent in these fields. This will be the first and primary way to ensure data safety and business continuity moving forward.

Access management will be one of the top priorities for cloud-based businesses in 2023, as well as any business that’s handling sensitive information, both internally and externally. From healthcare to cloud providers and tech startups, all the way to Ecommerce brands and beyond, managing access to data stores, projects, workflows, insights and company secrets is one of the best ways for a modern business to minimize the risk of data leaks.

While there are many software solutions to manage access within applications and cloud infrastructures, companies also need a way to manage one-time access for guests. A good way to do that is with a one-time password that the user with the right clearance and credentials can generate, or that the business can generate for their clients, partners, or visiting experts.

The good thing about one-time passwords is that they protect against a variety of password-based attacks while eliminating the need to create new credentials and log-in information for visitors.

Email is by no means anyone’s primary way of verifying users or protecting against any kind of attack, but it can be a robust supplementary tool that adds a layer of security and access management to businesses of all sizes. When used together with software and hardware firewalls, OTPs as well as secure web gateways, email validation or a unique magic link can be a great tool for giving the right access to the right person, for the right application.

Email is also a great delivery method for time-sensitive codes and log-in instructions for guest users or simply for multi-factor authentication, all of which should be a part of your comprehensive data security strategy. Always keep in mind that preventing unauthorized access to your data is the first and most important step towards preventing data misuse and leaks.

That said, in order to strengthen email as a supplementary security tool, you also need to use email threat monitoring, automated early warnings, and secure web gateways that will filter and screen all email traffic.

It should go without saying that safeguarding your digital data stores, while imperative, is not the only concern. You also need to invest in robust security measures for your on-site data centers as well as any devices and external hardware that contains sensitive data in your organization.

Not only that, but it’s important to safeguard your facility as a whole and protect any proprietary products and tech from theft or corporate espionage. That’s why advanced video surveillance technology is making huge leaps nowadays, integrating artificial intelligence and deep learning systems to empower on-site security teams with early threat detection and protect against sophisticated real-time attacks.

Surveillance footage is also becoming a part of the big data analytics paradigm, as AI and machine learning systems are transforming images and videos into useful data sources, connected directly to the web.

Finally, automation will play a key role in data efficiency and security for global organizations and data teams. In order to safeguard data stores both online and on-site, as well as to ensure the efficiency and security of various data-relevant processes in an organization, business leaders need to start investing more in advanced automation tools and deep learning solutions.

Including automated data analytics into the process of data management and protection is an integral part of an advanced data security strategy, for example, allowing data teams (from business intelligence to security experts) to streamline and unify their approach to threat prevention, detection, and real-time response. By automating various data-driven processes across departments and verticals, companies can make regular penetration testing, analysis, and optimization a cost-effective reality.

Data security should be one of your top priorities in 2023 and the years to come. It’s also important to note that better security will result in better business continuity and overall risk mitigation, leading to improved efficiency and reduced financial waste across the board. With all of that in mind, make sure to start implementing these security practices to ensure data safety and business success in the following year.

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